Upcoming Deadlines:
· February 1—Last day to apply for August 2012 degree conferral.
For complete list of key dates and deadlines, see the Graduate School calendar:
Dissertation and Thesis Support Group:
When: Fridays, 2:30—3:30 p.m., Beginning Friday, Feb. 3rd.
Where: 3rd Floor Wellness Center Group Rm., 1052 Loyola Ave.
How: To request group membership or for further information, new and returning members please contact Dr. David deBoer at ddeboer@luc.edu or by calling (773) 508-2546.
Do you find the research and writing process isolating? Are you dealing with writer’s block? Are members of your committee steering you in five different directions? Are you smoking more cigarettes than ever before? Are you procrastinating so much that your kitchen has never been cleaner?
Completing research projects is difficult work—but you do not have to be in it alone! Please attend a weekly group facilitated by Wellness Center clinical psychologist David deBoer. Members of this ongoing interactive group commit to support, cajole and encourage one another in overcoming the blocks to productivity and moving forward with your project. The group is open to graduate students at any stage in the process of completing either a master’s thesis or a doctoral dissertation.
Graduate School Research Symposium Call For Abstracts:
Loyola University Chicago, The Graduate School
5th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Symposium for Graduate School Students
Pursuit of Truth: Jesuit Ideals in Graduate Research
Saturday, April 21, 2012 Crown Center, Lake Shore Campus
Official Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline: March 2, 2012
• The Graduate School will host their interdisciplinary research symposium on Saturday April 21, 2012 at the Crown Center on Lake Shore Campus from 9 AM to 5 PM, as a forum for Loyola graduate students to present their scholarly work. The goal of the Interdisciplinary Research Symposium is to provide participants an appreciation of how Loyola Graduate students are incorporating the Jesuit ideals within their research.
• The theme of this year’s symposium is Pursuit of Truth: Jesuit Ideals in Graduate Research. We invite students to display their research exemplifying one of the six Jesuits ideals of the university: Faith & Spirituality, Social Justice, Ethics & Values, Global Awareness, New Approaches & Methods, and Community & Service
Present your work - in the form of either as a paper presentation or as a poster presentation. Paper presentations will occur as part of a panel session followed by questions and answers from the audience. Poster presentations will be informal presentations throughout the day.
• Any current graduate student within the Graduate School is welcomed to submit. Students should rank which of the Jesuit ideals (up to three) they think best exemplifies their research. Panel sessions and poster categorizations will be composed upon these Jesuit ideals.
• Monetary awards will be given to the top paper presenters and poster presenters.
• Submissions are due Friday, March 2, 2012 at 5:00pm and should be submitted electronically to GSAC@luc.edu. Submissions should include keywords that broadly describe the research particularly paying attention to individuals not familiar with the discipline. In Word format, please include an abstract (maximum 250 words) and a brief bibliographical statement (50-100 words).
• Selected paper and posters will be notified by March 23, 2012
Questions can be sent to GSAC@luc.edu.
Loyola Spring 2012 Career Fair:
Fair Date : Tues. Feb. 21st, 12-4 pm, Gentile Center, Lake Shore Campus
The Spring 2012 Career Fair will focus on full-time employment for our May 2012 grads as well as internship opportunities for Summer and Fall 2012. This is a university-wide event including all majors and class levels. Loyola students and alumni, as well as students from neighboring Chicago universities, will be invited to meet with a wide variety of employers from the for-profit, non-profit and government sectors.