When: Thursday, March 22nd, 6:45 p.m.
Where: Information Commons, LSC
Loyola University Chicago's Center for Urban Environmental Research and Policy invites you to a film showing of Tapped , A film which examines the business of bottled water. Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right? Or a commodity to be bought and sold?
Film to be followed with a discussion led by Emily Carroll, Food and Water Watch
Snacks, refreshments, and *raffle prizes.
Film sponsored by the Center for Urban Environmental Research and Policy and the University Libraries Department.
The film is part of a campus-wide campaign to raise awareness about water privatization with a proposed ban of selling bottled tap water. Loyola students taking the lead on this campaign are: the Student Environmental Alliance, the Unified Student Government Association and students taking the Center's Solutions to Environmental Problems (STEP) Water course
*Raffle prizes sponsored by the students in the STEP Water course
For more information contact the Center for Urban Environmental Research and Policy (CUERP) at cuerp@luc.edu .