Graduate Student Writing
LSC: Friday, October 18 | 1:30 - 3:00 PM | Cuneo
WTC: Tuesday, October 22 | 7:30 - 9:00 PM | Corboy
Feel like you need some assistance in your writing? Most of
us, regardless of our degrees and status could benefit from advice from someone
who has made it his career to guide people to the next level of their writing
Attend an interactive writing workshop specifically geared to
graduate students. This 90 minute session will contextualize the major
influences on writing struggles for graduate-level papers, and then feature
three elemental areas of sound scholarly writing at the graduate level:
organization around a complex and worthwhile purpose, a framed paragraph
structure that follows and explores the organizational purpose, and a
reassessment of source relationships according to the organizational purpose.
The workshop will be conducted by Michael Meinhardt, English Instructor. Open to
both Master’s and Doctoral students from all disciplines. (When registering,
please indicate which workshop date you plan to attend.)
Writing and Consequence
Friday, October 25 | 10:00 AM (Bagels and coffee will be
served at 9:30 AM) | Information Commons, 4th Floor
William Germano is professor of English literature and dean
of the faculty of humanities and social sciences at the Cooper Union for the
Advancement of Science and Art. For more than twenty-five years he worked in
scholarly publishing, serving as editor-in-chief at Columbia University Press
and then as vice-president and publishing director at Routledge. A frequent
lecturer and faculty seminar leader on issues related to scholarly communication
and project development, he has written “Getting It Published: A Guide for
Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Serious Books” (2nd ed, 2008) and “From
Dissertation to Book” (2nd ed., 2013), both from the University of Chicago
Press, and The Tales of Hoffmann published in 2013 as part of the British Film
Institute's Film Classics series. At the moment he is completing a book on
Shakespeare and opera and struggling to finish a book on revising academic
prose. A book signing of Dr. Germano's second edition of "From Dissertation to
Book" will occur at 11:30, IC 4th floor.
Life Beyond the Ivory Tower: Non-faculty Career
Friday, October 25 | 2:00 – 3:30 PM | Room 200W, Crown
Second thoughts about a faculty career? Considered leaving
the confines of academe? Join us to discuss career options beyond faculty jobs.
In this workshop, you will learn about:
• Private And Public Sector Jobs
• Non-Faculty Possibilities In
• Turning Your Vita Into A Resume
• Interview Skills
• Non-Academic Job Search Strategy
The workshop will be conducted by Camille Helkowski,
Associate Director, Career Development Center.
The Graduate School workshops page: