Webinar #2 | No Safety, No Health: A Conversation
About Race, Place and Preventing Violence
August 4, 2015 | 2 p.m. EDT
Community violence is a preventable public health issue shaped by many
factors, including racism. Violence impacts our overall health and
well-being and prevents communities from realizing their full potential.
Hear from APHA Past President Linda Degutis, former director of the CDC’s
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Howard Pinderhughes of
UC San Francisco, Policy Link, and the Prevention Institute for an
important discussion about race, place and preventing violence. We’ll
explore the role of public health in preventing this epidemic and the value
of engaging many sectors in the solution.
The second webinar of a four part series:
#1 Naming and Addressing Racism: A Primer
Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH, and Camara P. Jones, MD, MPH, PhD
View the
#2 No Safety, No Health: A Conversation About Race, Place and
Preventing Violence
August 4, 2015 | 2 p.m. EDT
#3 Unequal Treatment: Disparities in Access, Quality and Care
August 18, 2015, 2 p.m. EDT
Registration link coming soon
#4 Racism: The Silent Partner in High School Dropout and Health
September 1, 2015, 2 p.m. EDT
Registration link coming soon
1 free CPH credit is available for this activity. Participants must
register, attend the entire webinar and complete the evaluation online to
obtain a CE certificate.
A recording of each webinar will be made available after the live event
occurs. Complete the registration process to receive notification of when
it becomes available.