What is This?
During this 3-hour simulation, participants will
role-play the lives of families living in poverty and the many community agencies with which they
must interact. The program is free.
Who Should Attend and Why?
This workshop is geared towards students who
will be working with low-income families on a regular basis - future nurses, doctors, social
workers, teachers healthcare administrators,
just to name a few.
Saturday 10/25/14, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
St. Eulalia Parish
1851 S. 9th Ave. Maywood, IL
St. Eulalia is on the corner of 9th Ave. and the south side of the I-290 expressway. Park in church parking lot and go to the Quinn Community Center, door marked “3.” Program is in the basement.
Tuesday 10/28/2014, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Loyola Lakeshore campus
McCormick Lounge - Coffey Hall
1000 W. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL 60626
Saturday 11/15/2014, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Loyola Lakeshore Campus
Rambler Room - Centennial Forum
1125 W. Loyola Ave. Chicago, IL 60626
Click here for more info.