October 21st training will help you
advance health in your community
The use of health impact assessments (HIAs) has been gaining momentum
as the connection between planning factors (i.e. land use, community design,
transportation networks, food systems, etc.) and health issues (asthma,
diabetes, obesity) has become increasingly evident. Every day, planners and
policy makers have opportunities to make choices that affect health, but don't
have the tools to effectively analyze situations.
On October 21st, Kane County is offering a free training
workshop that will equip your community's planners and policy makers with the
knowledge needed to utilize HIA in your community! The workshop is open
to everyone who wants to attend and will be held from 9 -10:30 AM (check-in and
snacks at 8:30 AM). The workshop will provide an overview of the HIA process,
with a particular focus on how to get started with an HIA. Attendees are also
welcome to stay and observe the Village of Carpentersville Stakeholder Engagement Meeting
that will be held from 10:45 AM to noon. The Stakeholder Engagement
Meeting is a preliminary step in the HIA process and will inform the Village of Carpentersville Washington / Main St. Intersection
Improvement HIA.
To RSVP please contact Justin at jharbison@luc.edu