Éxito!, funded by the NCI and led by Dr. Amelie Ramirez and the Institute for Health Promotion Research team at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, aims to encourage minority master’s level students and master’s trained health professionals to pursue a doctoral degree and a career in Latino cancer health disparity research.
Éxito! provides participants the opportunity to:
Attend, in June 2012, a weeklong Summer Institute in San Antonio, TX, where they will hear from reputable guest speakers composed of state and national higher education representatives, including doctoral program directors, faculty, researchers, and Éxito! alumni mentors.
Apply for one of six paid-internships in areas focusing in Latino cancer health disparity research.
To learn more about our program please visit http://ihpr.uthscsa.edu/exito.html . We encourage you to spread the word about our program to your current and former students.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email our Éxito! staff at exito@uthscsa.edu.