Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Survey Finds Americans' "Ideal Weights" Have Risen.
The Los Angeles Times (11/29, Healy) "Booster Shots" blog reports, "In Gallup's annual Health and Healthcare Survey, the nation's leading polling organization has asked Americans yearly how much they weigh and what their ideal weight would be. Compared to Americans' answers to those questions in 1991, both numbers -- actual weight and ideal weight -- have risen, although 'ideal' weights have not quite kept pace with actual weight gains." Interestingly, "as our actual weight drifts upward, so do our perceptions of what our 'ideal; weight would be," with men and women averaging 15 and 22 pounds more than their respective ideal weights. The blog adds, "Gallup's findings help paint a grim picture of mass delusion in the United States about its rising weight and the spate of health problems that come with it."