Thursday, December 1, 2011
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
It is the goal of the Chicago Crime Commission to address the public health aspect of youth violence. "It's clear that youth violence has reached epidemic proportions in Chicago, and other major cities in the United States. A study by the University of Chicago concluded that youth violence is driven by three factors: lack of education, mental health issues, and substance abuse," says Weis. "I will work to bring the law enforcement and public health communities together to find meaningful solutions to this deadly epidemic. The Chicago crime Commission needs to work with all members of the community to ensure our residents remain vigilant for those individuals who want to destroy our way of life."
For over 35 years, Dr. Bell has practiced psychiatry as an internationally recognized lecturer and author. He has given numerous presentations on mental wellness, violence prevention, and traumatic stress caused by violence. In 2007, he was appointed to the National academy of Science's institute of Medicine, Board of Children, Youth and Families and the Board of Health Care Services.
To RSCP for this event – email Claudia Kubnick