2015 EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships for Graduate Environmental Study
Open Date: 04/08/2015 - Close Date: 05/26/2015
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the posting of the Request for Applications, 2015 EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships for Graduate Environmental Study with the goal of offering Graduate Fellowships for master’s and doctoral level students in environmental fields of study. Subject to availability of funding and other applicable considerations, the Agency plans to award approximately 55 new fellowships in the Fall of 2015. Master's level students may receive a maximum of two years of support ($88,000). Doctoral students may be supported for a maximum of three years ($132,000), usable over a period of five years.
Supporting these fellowship grants is in line with the Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research Program. EPA’s SHC Research Program provides useful science and tools for decision makers at all levels to help communities advance sustainability as well as achieve regulatory compliance. SHC is collaborating with partners to conduct research that will result in science-based knowledge to guide decisions that will better sustain a healthy society and environment in America's communities. The research is intended for decision-makers at the federal, regional, state and community levels.
Open date: April 8, 2015 - Close Date: May 26, 2015
URL: http://epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2015/2015_star_gradfellow.html